HackTool:Win32/Keygen Description
Hacktool:Win32/Keygen is a rogue tool capable of making fake activation keys for a range of software.
The tool doesn't have harmful components, but it is also often developed together alongside other
malware. Thus the users who have it installed or may have it present on their system are already likely
to be dealing with an infected computer.
Re: Is that False Positive:Win32: Spyware-gen Trj in Alcohol 120% Patch.exe file « Reply #2 on: August 05, 2009, 08:32:54 AM » I don't know the program, so do not know if the file you named is naturally a part of it, or something downloaded via a torrent or p2p. Hacktool:Win32/Gendows is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. It's not saying it is a virus, it's saying it's a keygen so has associated use with software piracy. Some AVs used to have a setting to ignore HackTools. If you have the latest version of Win10 I'd recommend running the KG in the sandbox just to be safe any way. A Variant Of Win32/Keygen.HA Potentially Unsafe. This is a false positive detection. This keygen is safe to use.
The Hacktool:Win32/Keygen allows users to crack various software with the generated passwords. A
Microsoft report shows that over half of the computers who used the hack tool were infected. The kind
of infection may vary from machine to machine, same with the behavior of the tools. Some may encrypt
data and act as ransomware, others may quietly mine for cryptocurrencies, while others may record
personal information and more. In the end, all of these threats can lead to some serious issues, such as
data loss, hacked personal accounts, identity theft, stolen savings and worse.
Best torrent client for sonarr. The appearance of Hacktool:Win32/Keygen may be different for every user, since there are various
cracks that use the source code of the hack tool. If you have recently used any illegal software to
activate programs, you should check your system for infections at any cost and eliminate anything that
may be a problem. According to the Microsoft Malware Protection Center, it was first spotted in action
on July 16, 2009.
It is also known under a range of different names, specifically the following and potentially more.
Hacktool Win32 Keygen False Positive Negative
Hacktool Win32 Keygen Msr
Technical Information
File System Details
# | File Name | Size | MD5 | Detection Count |
1 | %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%AutodeskContent Servicexf-autocad-kg_x64.exexf-autocad-kg_x64.exe | 1,867,776 | c915c717919f5b28f5e343fda16a84f6 | 2,813 |
2 | D:SoftOffice 2010ActivadorActivador Office 2010.exeActivador Office 2010.exe | 1,070,607 | a0e4f5bcd5afc8b891cafcaccec37364 | 1,274 |
3 | D:System Volume Information_restore{4963FEC3-F6D4-426D-8C3B-1710FF92E2C8}RP102A0052950.exeA0052950.exe | 289,280 | 3e9b7b76b154342811a8dcc2b507c1ce | 1,192 |
4 | %USERPROFILE%DesktopActivatorKMSnano 10KMSnano.exe | 41,308,036 | c1d306405e800aefb0c7ff68b7c54454 | 924 |
5 | %SystemDrive%FolderinstMicrosoft Office 2010 CZ ProfessionalAktivaceOffice 2010 Toolkit 2.0 beta 3Office 2010 Toolkit.exe | 13,895,168 | 801d7f317b7a067295bf4f8ea9dbf75f | 910 |
6 | %WINDIR%KMSAct.exeKMSAct.exe | 386,923 | 94845b0d9c6188ab06ef9700fe8c0909 | 548 |
7 | D:SoftwareESET NOD 325.0.95CrackESEt_activation.exeESEt_activation.exe | 341,504 | 516a488e59138e5b88b1e4356eb86e00 | 462 |
8 | F:ProgrP Solo XPNOD32 Anti-Virus v.2.51.26 Multil+Crack NOD Fix v.2.1NOD32.FiX.v2.1-nsane.exeNOD32.FiX.v2.1-nsane.exe | 303,123 | 871ba3e3ed099c4a168358f21930b8e7 | 423 |
9 | G:zeljkoNikolaDownloadsNero 10.0 + Serials en Keygen - DivXNL-TeamNero Multimedia Suite 10 - Keygen.exeNero Multimedia Suite 10 - Keygen.exe | 655,872 | 2ea777f1974dbfb8ec2036503b464cc8 | 250 |
10 | J:1_GRAFICOSGRAFICOS_II6_PHOTOSHOPPhotoshop_cs5adobemasterkeygen55.exeadobemasterkeygen55.exe | 78,848 | df9f6bfca92822cc878eac8faeecdf50 | 212 |
11 | C:UsersAraDenebDocumentsusbviejaTNod- | 756,180 | 8733c89f832c5e011934b72685a34153 | 147 |
12 | F:SoftwareNero 11Nero MS11_www.remo-xp.comNero.patch.only-iOTAPatchPatch.exePatch.exe | 4,197,376 | 5b5cb2753b51d360a79051842a6a3292 | 141 |
13 | %PROGRAMFILES%RAR Password Crackerrpc.exe | 307,200 | 1fa14cabb1829252a5ec20ced72aa4e7 | 115 |
14 | I:ProgramasDescargasDescargador de serialesCrackDown.exeCrackDown.exe | 399,872 | c214925a6e327165f985aaeef29bd7f3 | 79 |
15 | Password FinderTNODUP.exe | 1,811,968 | e268c7c2716e33f91dd988e38d2973fd | 62 |
16 | %PROGRAMFILES%mIIIw-unlocked.versioniw5sp.exeiw5sp.exe | 2,529,280 | 86ff1d397d80f435586a54273d152c19 | 60 |
17 | %USERPROFILE%Local SettingsApplication DataInstall.exe | 139,776 | 2f3a057050fae4e46b40773bee94c713 | 50 |
18 | D:MMITStick-Kopien16GByteWechseldatenträgerHilfeProgrammeSicherung(Image)TI11AcrTruImgHm11.8027ATIH11.8027acronis_multi_keygen.exeacronis_multi_keygen.exe | 165,888 | 54ba49437e0d576353879d16cd608635 | 43 |
19 | %PROGRAMFILES%UlisesSoftnodlogin.exenodlogin.exe | 564,506 | 8813010d9d8fbe43f3595a2e788199fe | 42 |
20 | %TEMP%Universal Antivirus Daily Updated Key Maker 2013 v1.1 Final.exe | 1,334,982 | 9c48ef2da58a1ac5cbe5ef89d3e52fe1 | 36 |
21 | HPSERVERSoftwareMy DownloadsSorawinds Engineer Toolsetkeygen.exe | 140,288 | 017aed03abca18bcb64c3841fabf5ce0 | 30 |
22 | %WINDIR%BOX_cFosTASK.exe | 407,476 | 923a7b84dce6475134014235a769251d | 27 |
23 | %APPDATA%Keygen Office 2013 Professional .exe | 74,240 | 40d5fa32cf9b3d60a44219e96dab53e6 | 17 |
24 | %LOCALAPPDATA%InstSchedule.exe | 1,613,462 | f30a44260f41d4dbe217ac49617b96fd | 16 |
25 | D:DataRaxco Perfect Disk Professional 12.00.290CrackCrack.exe | 487,424 | 865e29dbbdc4d9c1504ea760ed74f036 | 13 |
26 | %USERPROFILE%DocumentsOffice Volume Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen.exe | 413,184 | c484209576c5699b3ab245edc316fc24 | 11 |
27 | %USERPROFILE%DesktopUNLOCK_HTC_TP2-5.EXE | 1,963,120 | 19ce82a24e1d0842d6b01ad802d479de | 8 |
28 | %APPDATA%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartupFLOATING_Pa.exe | 1,092,096 | 3398109272dd58774d49827923e0eba8 | 2 |
29 | %WINDIR%KMService.exe | 124,928 | 307e4f755bcef63b7ac69bbe8722bd20 | 1 |
Hacktool Win32 Keygen False Positive Coronavirus
Remove Hacktool Win32 Keygen
Hacktool Win32 Keygen
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This article is provided 'as is' and to be used for educational information purposes only. By following any instructions on this article, you agree to be bound by the disclaimer. We make no guarantees that this article will help you completely remove the malware threats on your computer. Spyware changes regularly; therefore, it is difficult to fully clean an infected machine through manual means.